Welcome to our business alliance... As for now we proudly present those companies that have said yes to the idea for an international ecocide law, in collaboration with the Ecocide Law Alliance. We will continue to list new supporter names here... including yours if you have registered your YES.

“I think every company that wants to take responsibility should be positively inclined towards international legislation in this area as well.”
Eva Karlsson
CEO, Houdini Sportswear
“...Ecocide laws can help deter the worst forms of environmental performance and amplify global efforts to stem biodiversity loss and restore the ecosystems...” (full quote below)
Robert Walker
Sustainability Policy Manager, ICGN
Eva is the CEO of Houdini Sportswear, a Swedish sportswear producer with true sustainability at the heart of everything they do. With the perspective that there is no contradiction between sustainability and good business. It's rather essential in the long run. Operating from Stockholm, Sweden, with an international outreach.
Robert is the Sustainability Policy Manager at the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), whose members include the world’s largest public pension funds and asset management companies. The ICGN Statement of Shared Climate Change Responsibilities to the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties 26, recommends governments to criminalize ecocide. ICGN members represent assets under management of around 70 trillion USD.
We're starting the campaign with great energy, here are a few words featured from two supporters of ecocide law:

Companies, Organizations, and Ambassadors partnering with Ecocide Law Alliance. In alphabetical order:

“Establishing an ecocide law is about changing our norms about nature. It's a no-brainer!”
Anders Enetjärn / Founder, Business Developer, Thought Leader

“Mass destruction of the environment – ecocide – should be a crime. We support this and hope other banks will too. Banks can also redirect investments so that money flows to initiatives within planetary boundaries.”
Maria Flock Åhlander

“There is only one rule that applies in the long term, and that is that without a healthy planet, none of us will thrive. Since many businesses tend to focus on the next quarter and politicians often serve under short terms, a lack of long-term perspective is immanent. International legislation that protects nature is, therefore, necessary to restore the balance and manifest long-term guidelines for those who wish to explore its resources.”
Misha Istratov

“Today the importance of international law is more relevant than ever. We set our hopes to legislation in areas such as genocide and laws of war to prevent and convict unacceptable actions. Let us include Ecocide in the tool box. Destruction of the environment and habitats caused by purpose must be condemned and legally enforced and the urgency is obvious.”
Thomas Sörensson / CEO

“I think every company that wants to take responsibility should be positively inclined towards international legislation in this area as well.”
Eva Karlsson / CEO

“Since the ever increasing economic growth system – acting on a planet with finite resources – cannot self-regulate itself, we need to activate Ecocide Law. Globally. Husstainability supports this initiative at 110%!”
Erik Huss / CEO

”There isn’t enough skin in the game when it comes to destroying nature to make profit. The limited liability of companies and boards is simply asymmetric to the long term damage that can be caused. This must change and full accountability be introduced.”
David Ekelund / CEO

“Ecocide legislation is another such parameter that provides clarity. That will in turn benefit all the committed Swedish companies that exist today.”
Mats Bjelkevik / CEO

”International ecocide law is very important to address large-scale environmental destruction. Self-regulation is mostly based on incremental improvement, which for large-scale issues simply is not enough. Ecocide law opens up for progressive companies and governments to show leadership and make significant difference.”
Nicklas Ihrén / Matters Group

“In the long term, neither legislators nor consumers will accept products that destroy the planet. If you make adjustments early on, you have a competitive advantage.”
Karin Bodin / CEO

“We need game-changers that can fundamentally alter how capital markets relate to the environment. The rights of nature and ecocide laws at both national and international levels can help deter the worst forms of environmental performance and amplify global efforts to stem biodiversity loss and restore the ecosystems that support the economy and sustain the human spirit.”
Robert Walker / Sustainability Policy Manager, ICGN (International Corporate Governance Network)

“Taking a stand for ecocide law is the easiest and most effective thing we can do for nature. No sensible person wants to destroy the planet, or thinks it should be allowed.”
Anders Sundin / CEO

”Ecocide Law will provide the rules for economies that increase our wellbeing by preventing the loss of our fundamental systems of existence without which there is no economy.”
Ian Roderic / Director

“Ecocide law is the most important new piece of international legislation proposed so far in the twenty first century. It is essential to deliver human flourishing on a healthy planet.“
Stewart Wallis / Executive Chair Wellbeing Economy Alliance
Companies, Organizations, and individuals in chronological order (starting from the day of the launch March 22, 2023
(List being produced)